
(973) 239-2060

Solar Education

Leading the way in renewable energy utilization for over 16 years.

At Prout Funeral Home, our commitment to conservation and energy sustainability extends beyond our four walls. We want to educate others in our community about what they can do to improve the conditions of our planet, and reduce their own energy costs – whether it is at home, school, or your place of business. This has been our commitment to the community since 1924. The solar electric system helps us lessen our dependence on foreign sources of energy and reduce our energy costs and overhead, allowing us to continue to offer the highest quality of service while maintaining lower service costs.

As an established part of the town’s business community, Prout Funeral Home leads the way towards energy independence and environmental care with the first solar installation in Verona. Hoping to spread the word to other businesses, citizens, and the youth of the community, part of Prout’s project was also the installation of an educational display in a public area of the Home.

We provide tours and educational presentations to schools, businesses, and other groups, who want to learn more about what we have done at Prout Funeral Home. School children from the neighborhood, including science classes from Our Lady of the Lake School in Verona, have taken the tour and have been impressed with how you can harness the power of the sun to light up and heat your business or home. If you would like to set up your own educational tour, please reach out to our staff at (973) 239-2060.

“If people see that a business or house can successfully run on solar, it will give renewable energy a mainstream feel.” – Bob Prout, Owner

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