Hi! My name is Morris V. Prout. I am an Australian Labradoodle, certified to work in the Prout Funeral Home in Verona, NJ as a grief therapy dog. 

Finding My Calling

Born and raised in Indiana, I worked very hard to become a certified therapy dog. When I was eight weeks old, Julie Case, the founder of Ultimate Canine, came to visit me and my brothers. We had so much fun with Julie as she went through a round of temperament tests with us. I’m proud to say that I scored a 196 on a scale of 200- high enough to qualify for service dog training!

My Training

After this assessment, I lived with a trainer for a couple of months, working through basic obedience training and then advanced obedience training. When I aced these courses, I moved on to job-specific training with my amazing trainer, Beth. We went to nursing homes, hospitals, hospices, schools, restaurants, malls and I even got to intern with veteran grief therapy dog, Nero, at his funeral home in Marion, IN. At just seven months old, I passed my final tests with flying colors and was ready for the ultimate test – the National Funeral Directors Association International Convention and Expo in Nashville, TN. I had a blast attending the convention and loved meeting the thousands of people that passed by my booth. It sure was fun traveling but I was ready to go home to my family in Verona, NJ.

Coming Home to Verona, NJ

In November 2021, Beth and I flew out to the Prout Funeral Home, where we spent three days training my family on how to be the best certified therapy dog handlers. Ever since, I’ve been working full-time as Prout Funeral Home’s on site grief therapy dog and Director of Community Engagement. I’m here for the families we serve from the moment they walk through our doors- from staying with them during the arrangements conference to greeting their friends and family at visiting, I’m always ready to provide next-level comfort with a soft and fuzzy snuggle! 


Connect with Me

Learn more about the benefits of grief therapy dogs like me and my role as Director of Community Engagement at Prout Funeral Home and don’t forget to follow my adventures on Instagram and Facebook @morrisvprout !