Meet Morris V. Prout: Your Comfort Companion and Community Engager

As Prout Funeral Home’s full-time Certified Grief Therapy Dog and Director of Community Engagement, Morris V. Prout carries a lot of responsibility on his little shoulders. Read on to learn more about his special role.


Certified Grief Therapy Dog at Prout Funeral Home:

In his role as a certified grief therapy dog at Prout Funeral Home, Morris goes above and beyond to provide solace during difficult times. He warmly welcomes guests at the door, stands by them during funeral arrangements, and offers cuddles and affection during wakes and services. The presence of therapy dogs like Morris has proven benefits, as their soothing and relaxed demeanor helps ease the inherent stress of such moments.


Director of Community Engagement at Prout Funeral Home:

Morris is not just about offering comfort within the funeral home; he’s also our Director of Community Engagement. His sociable nature makes him a hit wherever he goes in Verona. You’ll often spot Morris at the Civic Center, town hall meetings, and volunteering at the Verona Junior Women’s Club Fourth Grade Spelling Bee. But his community involvement doesn’t stop there. Morris maintains a busy schedule with long-term commitments, including:

  • Paws and Pages at the Verona Public Library: A monthly event where young readers get to practice reading to an attentive and cuddly audience – Morris!
  • Visits to Local Assisted Living Facilities: Morris brings sunshine to the lives of residents with his positive attitude and ever-wagging fluffy tail.
  • The Morris V. Prout Lecture Series: This hallmark program covers important topics like health, wellness, and public safety, close to Morris’s heart as a certified therapy dog.


Connect with Morris V. Prout and Prout Funeral Home:

To discover more about Morris’s roles at Prout Funeral Home and his community engagements in Verona, feel free to reach out to us at 973-239-2060 or drop Morris an email at Stay updated on his adventures by following him on Facebook and Instagram @morrisvprout!